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Pollution in Nairobi Rivers and Its Effects


Date Posted: 8/15/2018 7:23:53 AM

Posted By: STEPHKIMOTHO  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 402

Rivers are a crucial natural resource in the world for all living things both human and animals.They are known to be source of drinking water to people and provide home to a host of marine animals.Water from rivers is also used to support agricultural activities in various parts of the country.They are also used as recreational sites in terms of swimming and boat riding.Water in itself is actually the most important human basic need on the planet.The human body is made up of around 75% water.Water is life.However,with this knowledge in mind,the human being tends to ignore the dangers of trying to destroy the existence of this very important natural resource.Many rivers in our country are at risk of becoming non-beneficial for human needs.At this point let us look at rivers located in Nairobi.Nairobi county in itself has four rivers running through it:Ngong,Nairobi,Mathare and Mbagathi.Earlier on, Nairobi was known to be a cool place by the early settlers.Unfortunately, with the increased number of population in the county ,this seems to be a fantasy story.Most Nairobi rivers are totally polluted.Let us look at some of the problems that have faced the rivers currently and their effects.

1.Industrial Wastes
Nairobi is really a highly industrialized county with a host of numerous agricultural and manufacturing industries.This industries are of much economic and social benefit to the country.However,their way of operation is not welcoming at all.Most of this industries discharge their industrial effluents into the rivers.This poses a great threat to the aquatic life in the Nairobi rivers.Oil spills and related products lead to reduced oxygen supply in water.Also the wastes make the water unsafe for drinking.

2.Sewage Disposal
Most housing facilities in Nairobi do not have the appropriate sewerage systems to dispose human waste.For this reason,all

sewerage matter is drained into the rivers.Surely this inhuman.The water in Mathare and Nairobi river is a good case scenario to this.Almost all the household surrounding this rivers dispose of their toilet effluents into the rivers.This creates a health hazard and possible future outcomes of diseases like cholera ,typhoid and bilharzia.

3.Garbage Disposal
The Nairobi county seems not have an efficient and good garbage collection program.Along the rivers there are huge heaps of uncollected garbage.The garbage slowly gets carried away by rivers especially during the rainy season creating immense water pollution.

4.Government Negligence
First and foremost,the government has greatly failed in its task to implement laws in relation to protection of the natural environment.Many industries in Nairobi seem to freely discharge their industrial effluents without any legal restriction.The county has poor sewerage systems in spite of its high population.The are limited programs put in place to ensure appropriate garbage collection.

There are numerous effects related to pollution of Nairobi rivers which are:

1.Poor Image-Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya meaning it is an entry point of many foreigners into the country.Let us try to imagine the stories tourists have to tell once they see the state of Nairobi rivers.This brings shame to our nation.

2.Spread of Waterborne Diseases-The dirty and polluted water of Nairobi rivers can be a host to waterborne disease bacteria.If one does not handle the water with care,Then they are in danger of being infected with diseases like Cholera,Typhoid etc.

3.Contamination of Nairobi Boreholes-Those who have drilled boreholes in Nairobi are at risk of drinking and using water contaminated by industrial effluents,garbage and human waste.The water should be treated before use.


Nairobi is a great place to be.We should all work together to ensure that reality remains both now and for future generations.Those living in Nairobi should work to ensure that garbage and sewerage are disposed of accordingly and not in the rivers.The government in turn should put in lace a clean-up program of the rivers and put strict restrictions concerning the use of Nairobi rivers.Lets us make our rivers clean and safe.

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