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Impacts of Coronavirus in Kenya


Date Posted: 5/5/2020 5:24:56 AM

Posted By: Milnel  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 367

The dread of the Coronavirus outbreak has shaken the entire globe. Coronavirus is a highly infectious disease which was discovered on 31st December 2019 in Wuhan city in China. As at 5th May 2020, more than 3.5 million people had already been infected while more than 251,000 others succumbing to the illness. In this article, I will focus on how this pandemic has impacted Kenya.

Impacts on the economy

Kenya's economy has been hit severely by the spread of Coronavirus. The government has put forth measures to contain the spread of this pandemic which has rendered many people jobless. Compulsory curfew which was declared by the President resulted to businesses like pubs to be shut down the entire night. Restaurants and other nonessential shops like salons were also locked down because they increase the chances of infections.

Unemployment has not only affected Kenya but the entire world. For instance, 30 million people in America are pushing for unemployment benefits. Some organization have reduced the number their staff. Equity bank, for instance has send 60,000 employees home after donating hug sums to fight Coronavirus. General income of the public has reduced be sis some lost their jobs and others had significant reduction in their salaries.

Various industries across the land have been affected severely. In the oil industry, the prices are crushing everyday. Since three four major towns in Kenya were put under total lockdown when the president announced the cessation of movement into and out of those cities, oil companies have incurred significant losses. Various companies which used to ferry people from Mombasa to upcountry have now grounded their buses. Other measures such as carrying only 60% of the passengers to reduce the spread of the virus has discouraged matatu operators thereby causing most of them to ground their vehicles.

Economic recession

As much

as Coronavirus continues to spread across continents and nations, various states including Kenya have began to experience economic recession. A group of experts have revealed that the world is going to experience the historical and the largest recession in the few months to come following the turn out of events. In Kenya for example, thousands of people have no income because they depended on non essential shops which are not shuttered. Globally, more that a third of the entire population are under lockdown and so they are not working to generate income.

Economic recession also occur when there is a decline in the goods produced. Hundreds of factories have been closed down following the measures taken to curb the infection rate of this virus. One of the biggest flower industries in Naivasha has send its workers home. The amount of goods produced in the country has reduced significantly and if the trend continues, the nation will experience worse economic recession.

Education Sector

A government directive was issued for all schools to close down immediately the first case of the Coronavirus was reported in the country. Such institutions presented high risks of the spread of the pandemic. As a result, the education system has been altered indefinitely. General statistics indicate that close to 1.5 billion students across the world have been affected by this pandemic.

Religious Sector

The spread of this deadly virus does not respect the places of worship. In an attempt to contain the spread of Coronavirus, all places of worship had to be locked down. Important religious festivals such as the Easter could not be celebrated as usual because public gatherings are prohibited. In this holy month of Ramadan, the Muslims cannot meet in mosques to hold their prayers anymore. Churches have now been forced to stream their services live through the internet so people can partake from their homes.


Many sectors are feeling the adverse impacts of Coronavirus. However, people in the technology sector have smiled since the whole world now rely on them. A lot of organization resolved to online working since gathering in the office would encourage high levels of infection. Most of the businesses now are now selling their products online instead of going personally to the premise to acquire your product. The education sector in Kenya has created a platform where students can acquire revision materials and continue preparing for their examinations. Everyone across the country is advised to use cashless transaction thereby encouraging online services. All sectors now rely on technology to run their operations in an attempt to avoid further spread of the deadly virus.

Social impacts

Kenya is characterized by a society which loves social gatherings. However, everything changed the moment the Ministry of Health confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in the country. Women who loved to meet in their table banking groups commonly known as "Chamas" can no longer come together. Wedding ceremonies which involved hundreds of people can not be conducted at this hour. If you must get married then the wedding must be attended by at most five people; parents from both sides and the marriage officiator.

Friends and relatives have no freedom to meet and burry their loved ones. Kenya has a culture where people would gather in the deceased home to mourn and present their condolences. Recently, just before Coronavirus was discovered in Kenya, the former president of the state, President Moi died. Kenyans queued several days from morning to evening to view his excellency's body. Such kind of a privilege is now gone. You cannot travel to go and burry your close relative. In fact, dead bodies are not allowed to stay in mortuaries more than a day.
Other cultural ceremonies have also been shut down. The Luhya community treasure the circumcision ceremony which takes place every even year. Therefore, 2020 was a great year for the Luhya community but all their plans have been put on hold indefinitely.

Increase in crime

While the state and the whole world are fighting the same enemy, some individuals have used this season to commit crimes. The government directive was that everyone across the country to observe a night to dawn curfew including business operators. Therefore, as shops are closed early in the evening and everyone locking themselves in their homes, some people break into shops and steal valued things. Other criminals pretend to be doctors coming to attend to the infected patients or take them to quarantine and in the process they robe the family.

Political impacts

Political rallies are no where to be conducted since everyone is under lockdown and there is a cessation of movements into and out of various counties across the nation. On 6th April 2020, all parliamentary sittings were suspended until further notice when the virus has been contained. The National Assembly was cancelled with immediate effect when several members of the legislature tested positive for the virus.

Legal Impacts

Following the outbreak of this highly infectious disease, various laws had to be implemented. The Kenya gazette published a bill which was passed the other day that anyone found in public places without wearing protective masks will be fined ksh20,000 or be jailed or face both penalties. Business people can only operate from 5.00am up to 7.00pm in the evening in which anyone found outside beyond these hours are taken to quarantine and then charged in court 14 days later. More legal instructions are being implemented as the state of the infection surges across the state.

Next: The First Four Presidents of Kenya
Previous: Skills you should learn during this quarantine.

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