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The Shades of Sorrow and How to Tackle Them


Date Posted: 5/11/2019 2:05:17 AM

Posted By: Great Bryant  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 102

Whenever this term crosses our we see hell, tears are hard to hold them back...sadness, call it a tragedy, a nightmare, an omen, a curse, a misfortune, a calamity, distress, a disappointment, an enemy or any other term it may mean to you in a context that you may find yourself in. It is true to us that it's pretty hard to accept, endure being associated with it. There's one thing you need to understand that in life there must be that low moment (probably not just one) giving you a taste of that bitter taste of life. Not that humans are meant to live a life full of tears, bitterness and get used to nasty happenings but that they are also in man's life. In this journey of life, everyone has a share of sadness, each defined with a different degree.

What is this that makes us sad? Is it death? Is it failure? Is it separation from family? Have friends run away from you? Have we been neglected? Have we been disappointed? It is now time we get to understand what sadness really is and know what it has for us and most importantly know how to handle it.

We make mistakes in life like anyone else and this ought to be encouraging since we learn from them. Even after making mistakes, we deserve to be happy. Happy in the sense that our wrong deeds should not tie us to our failures but embrace our mistakes although it saddens us. Remember sadness fades away with time but this cannot happen if we are not first ready to accept the situation that did cost our happiness.

When you receive unexpected news, you feel like breaking down as it seems too unbearable. Ever seen somebody happy

at all times? Ever seen a rich person smiling always? Should the downtrodden cry for eternity? The answers are with you.

Here is a number of ways to tackle sadness:
1. Acceptance of the situation
As indicated above, accepting the uncertainties that purchase us sadness is one of the most vital doings of a human being. Smiling in problems relieves off some stress. Anger as well rises when you are sad that you feel like not talking to anybody. Now learn to take the life challenge, sadness with positivity to enjoy life even when you least expect.

2. Cry
Getting into tears is never a sign of weakness but rather a sign of pure heart. Crying will definitely relieve your pain and distress, calm yourself and set you free from the traumatic experiences, it actually carries the sorrow away. Some people think that crying makes them lesser men in the society; well, our society does teach that the strength of men is measured by their ability to manage and control their tears but I tell you sadness knows no man, just let the tears flow.

3. Listen to music
Music is one of the best healers of human mind, it takes you away into thoughts and so heals your soul. You may listen to sad music and listen to every line of the particular song, you will find insight and a reason to smile as you may not be the only one experiencing dejection.

4. Eat well
We live not to eat but eat to live. It is food that sustains our life, you therefore need to feed well, not too much, since you need the energy to do your daily activities and most importantly think. Failure to observe your diet may welcome more health complications into your one body on top of the mental illness.

5. Write down
My friend writes great and amazing poems when in distress, the unhappy situation truly has a component of creativity and this creativity can make you too get out of negativity and escalate into the freedom of sadness. You may take time and put down the situations that put you in that situation and you will be surprised to have an amazing piece. While writing invest your focus there, be free and transfer all that your mind has to the paper, your mind will get light and free of the burdens of sorrow.

6. Travel
Are you adventurous? Then this suits you well, avoid staying indoors, get to the outside world and view the wonderful creations of your beautiful land. There is so much in nature; the green trees, the well curved hills and valleys, the streams, the wild animals in the park, finding time to visit new places will keep you focused and forget your past.

7. Exercise
Sport is another nice way of doing away with your sorrowful past since you engage your body a lot. You may get to the track and run or jog around, play football with friends or any other sport of your liking. If you happen to be a lover of dance, that is a nice exercise, that little sweat will get you off the sadness hook.

8. Talk to a trusted friend
Speaking to someone you trust relieves your in-depth pain although you first need to identify a person who can truly listen to you and help you out. I could say friends are quiet angels and they wait in silence to be asked and they shall help, I mean it is quite difficult for a friend miles away to know your problem when you do not speak out. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us and not necessarily talk at all and only friends can offer us this. So find such people for they will make you happy and your soul will blossom.

9. Pray
Jesus says in the gospel, come to me all that are burdened and I will grant you rest. There is power in prayer, it is upon you to create some time with God and tell Him your problems. When we find totally no human to lend us their ears, there is always one supreme man that is ever ready to listen to us. Reach out to Him today and you will never regret.

No need to let yourself depressed when you can actually solve your riddle buddy, get out and live a happy life. Remember you can never appreciate happiness without being sad

The baton is yours.

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