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The influence of parenting to a child's education


Date Posted: 11/1/2017 1:20:06 PM

Posted By: HOSEA KIPYEGON  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 197

Education, as they say, is a key to success.In fact, it is a predominantly spoken phrase in all learning institutions across the globe.Indeed, education in this century is, in an array of ways, what determines one's success as an equalizer.However,a conducive and holistic environment are vital for one to be a victor in this ladder to success. There are quite a good number of ways to better our children's education but I will be talking about one principal way. And that is good parenting.This is a prerequisite to ensuring a child's learning is a success. Parents happens to be first teachers and the way they nurture and upring their chilren often translates to the quality of education they will get and most importantly where they end up in.

Good parenting is of paramount significance in the child's education.Parents ought to overseer the academic performance of their children and correct them where necessary. A parent should be in a position to understand the resources their children require.They should also look into ways of bettering their children's academic performance. Parents who encourage their children to study smart will often have a positive influence in their performance. When parents, for instance reward their children for good performance, they are most likely to reciprocate by putting more efforts in order to get that reward always.

Conversely, children whose academic performance is never monitored by the parents will definitely be careless and wayward in their work.These are the type who shun their home works and assignments. Parents and guardians must be hawk-eyed on the children's work to ensure that they are done.These assignments if done very well and most frequently will have a positive impact on the child's academic performance.Besides,children who are provided with learning resources by their parents are most likely to do well in their

exams as compared to those who are not.The attitude of the parent towards the child's performance in school is also very sensitive.Children are never the same! Some will fail due to lack of motivation. We call them "sleeping lions" who, when challenged and motivated, turns out to be victors. Motivation has the ultimate power to spark a willing desire to settle for nothing!

While in primary school, I was,honestly, an average pupil. My elder brother was always topping in class and it normally frustrated me to hear mum and dad congratulating him on the brilliant performance.I would walk around seething with anger and unspeakable envy. At that very point, I knew Idid not amount to anything. One day, after a mid term test, dad came home and asked us to produce our report cards. Obviously, my brother was the first to do that simple duty.You know why he did that. As anticipated, I reluctantly, dragged my feet towards our reading room and picked up my report card. I was frowning. I handed it to dad and sat down sadly.I was number twenty in class with two hundred and seventy marks. My elder brother had topped in his class. Surprisingly,after keenly analysing our cards,dad reached to his bag for something. We had no idea what it was. He had just returned from work. He handed it to me saying. "This is a nice improvement son. Next time you will be at the top. Congratulation!" He said. It was a toy car! I was, undoubtedly, overjoyed and vowed to work hard. My brother was given the same. When we resumed studies after the holiday vocation, I meant my school business and at the end, I was at the top of my class with three hundred and ninety marks! The power of motivation! A parent's has an astoudning impact on their attitude towards academic work.

Parents should closely monitor their children's academic behavior. They should limit them where necessary and caution them whenever they dare the dons. The Bible confirms that children should be mapped at thier early stage. And they will not forget even at old age. Children can easily be tuned to good study habits while still young. Consequently, they will apply the same principles in their future studies and endaevours in thier life long learning process. Parents should never use discouraging phrases like: "good for nothing fellow", "you will never amount to anything" and so on even if their children are not doing well. Soothing and inspiring words like: "you are coming up", you are improving", "good of you" and many other insightful phrases will keep them going and obviously, a good improvement will be witnessed. In a nut shell,parents can either kill or nurture the quality of education of their children by their way they handle them.Good parenting is a recipe to quality education!

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