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How to handle primary school pupils


Date Posted: 11/7/2017 12:33:05 AM

Posted By: Jonmhumble  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2362

Primary school pupils have tender brains which need to be handled with a lot of care. Their foundation in form of education and behaviour need to be laid well since their knowledge and behaviour at this particular time determines the life they will live in future. That is if they are well taught and well disciplined they will live a successful life and highly self disciplined.

In disciplining them, you should not discipline them in a rude and rough. Just discipline them with a lot of love and care. Do not punish they in a way they will hate you since in case they hate you even what you will teach them they will not understand. When the pupils love you they will love your subject and at the long run they will definitely pass that subject very well. Even if you want to punish them just give them a punishment that is not over their ability. How you punish a class eight pupil is not the same way you shall punish class one pupil, their punishments will differ. The punishment should also be concerned in building their character. Also the punishment ca be in form of the pupil's home chores such as sweeping the compound, watering flower garden or washing the veranda. In this way you will be punishing the student as well as teaching the pupils some responsibilities.

While teaching the pupils make sure that all of them understand. Never assume that all pupils are the same in form of their understanding. You as a teacher you should simplify the topic that seem to be difficult and complicated to the pupils through summarizing it in simple words which can be well understood by the pupils. Use a language that can be understood by all pupils. In some cases you can

use vernacular so as to make sure that every pupil gets the concept. In giving them homework make sure that you don't overburden them with the work. In case they don't finish their homework just call their parents and discuss the issue together and in this the pupil will know that it is his or her responsibility to finish up their work. Also make sure that they have the relevant reading materials concerning the work you have given them. Make sure after every topic you provide them with questions in form of continuous assessment test or random assessment test. This will improve their understanding and even in time of main exam they will not have any fear in answering questions.

In preparation of exam, make sure that you give them time for revision. Be available in case they will have some problems during the time of revision. Through consensus with the pupils let them set their targets according to their abilities. Its good to reward them after reaching their targets and also scoring nice marks. This will motivate them to perform better,love the subject and love you more as a teacher.Also those who will not be rewarded will work harder to be rewarded in the next time.

Discipline is not always maintained through punishment. It can also be maintained through guidance and counseling programs. Hold guidance and counseling severally with the pupils. In this program you be able to know their problems and have a way to solve them. In this program you may teach them things that are not taught in class such as the relationship between the teacher and the pupil. Also they will have an opportunity to know that there are challenges in life a will know how to overcome them through your guidance and counseling. In this program you will be able to show them the importance of education.

You can improve your relationship with them through participating in their games. You can be involved in playing football with them. They will be so jovial such that they will not fear you while in school and this will make them to love you more and in long run,this will improve your relationship with them. I remember when we were in primary school we had a game known as " Tredi" with our mathematics teacher. This made us to love mathematics such that we were able to beat the other local school in mathematics. Therefore I discovered this method as one of the best way to improve teacher- pupil relationship.

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