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Social Economic Classes and How It Influences Human Relationships


Date Posted: 10/2/2020 3:07:51 AM

Posted By: Ara Akinyi  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 187

Socio-economic classes have been classified based on several factors which include: Wealth, health, education, cultural and societal status possessed by a particular or certain people in our society (Vyas & Kumaranayake, 2016). These factors have led to the categorization of people within the society. The four common classifications of people based on these factors are: The upper class society, the middle class, the lower class, and the under class. Each of these classes bear unique characteristic which makes them distinct from each other. It is, therefore, possible to tell the difference amongst them. In this discussion, we are going to focus on the upper class and the under class within the society.

Upper class:

These are families which have access to virtually everything that money purchase. The families have an image to protect and every family member is keen to protect the name of the family. They live in high-end neighborhoods and their children attend the best schools which in most cases are private. They own big business or occupy powerful positions in their workplaces. Most of these families have employed caregivers at their homes to help in running domestic chores. They have access to the best hospital and medical services. Their homes are secure since most of them have private guards. In other words, these families live in affluence and satisfaction. Their lives are comfortable since they have the ability to acquire most of the things at will.

Under class:

The under class is the complete opposite of what transpires in the upper class. Their lives are not decorated with affluence and the ability to acquire luxury. These families have a limited supply of financial resources and they barely surviving on meager wages. Their neighborhoods are not classy and they majorly depend on the social amenities put in place by the running government.

They are considered the poor in the society since their ability is limited due to low wages and incomes. Most of the people here survive on meager wages that are not enough to sustain the families and enable them to access good housing, proper medication, and good schools. This social class of people majorly lives in the underdeveloped areas and some makeshift shelters the cities. They harbor high numbers of uneducated children who, in most cases, get involved in unlawful activities.

Parenting and socializing of children:

It is evident that how these two social classes parent and socialize their children is different. The upper class families nurture their children in an environment where they believe their children will have the opportunity to socialize with other children of similar status. They rarely want their children to get involved with the underclass and, so, they go to every extent to ensure the image of the family is protected by affording good neighborhood to their children. The children are raised with nannies as most of the parents are always busy at work. The under class, unlike the upper class, are raised in rough neighborhoods with an unfriendly environment for raising children. The parents in this class are not bothered by the type of social class that they interact with. In fact, it pleases them when they interact with the upper class children. Children under class are raised mostly with their parents around unlike the upper class children.

Socio-economic status impact in schools:

The social-economic status in which a child comes from affects their learning differently. A child from a family with good finances will not suffer from being shut out of the school because of a lack of school fees, whereas, the other child with no school fees will suffer. The child who can afford fees will not suffer trauma or psychological problem related to being ejected from school, whereas, the other with no fees will suffer. The child who comes to a upper socio-economic class is most probably going to concentrate at school because of their peace at home. On the other hand, the child from under class is likely to underperform at school due to instability and wrangles at home since most of these families are marked with domestic violence (Van & Burke, 2000).

Teacher strategy at school:

To lessen the impact of socio-economic impact in classes, teachers can employ the following methods. They can deal with every student equally while attending to each of them.
They can do counseling to the affected children and make them feel accepted and cared for.
They can, also, conduct lessons to promote good morals that would trigger sharing, caring, and love for each other.

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